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Law Firm Marketing Blog

Category Archives: General

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PPC vs. SEO: Which is Best For Your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy?

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are essential elements of digital marketing. Both are important for a sound digital marketing plan. Understanding the differences between the two can help you integrate the right strategy. In essence, SEO offers free traffic, but it takes more time and effort to put into practice. PPC, on… Read More »

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Why Your Law Firm Should Blog (2020)

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

If you’re a lawyer, there is a good chance you have heard how blogging is an essential part of marketing. However, you may not know how so. As marketers at NextClient, we understand its importance. Blogs increase your online presence and allow you to show off your expertise. Through frequent blogging, you have more… Read More »

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Google Suspended Local Listings: Why & What to Do (For Lawyers)

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Picture this situation. You’re a lawyer. You notice the number of calls you received during the week is less than normal. So you decide to do a quick check-in with your firm. You also see that your business does not show up on Google Maps. That’s odd. Something must be wrong. So, with a… Read More »

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The Fake Domain Renewal Scam – ‘Domain Slamming’

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

We’ve had some of our clients tell us they got “domain slammed,” so we decided to do a write-up. These notices can come in the regular mail, email, or even through social media. Imagine this scenario. You open your email and you see “Action Required: Notice Regarding Domain Service.” As a website owner, you… Read More »

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SEO Scam Emails: Everything You Need to Know About Them

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Are you a lawyer or business owner? Chances are, you’ve probably received many email solicitations. One of the many popular ones comes from SEO companies – often titled SEO Proposal or something to that effect. Sometimes these can be received through the contact form of a website, too. As SEO and online marketers at… Read More »

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Responding to a Negative Review (For Attorneys in 2019)

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Maintaining your professional reputation and that of your law firm has always been of the utmost importance to your success. In today’s online world, both the capability to post a review and the popularity of doing so have exploded. This practice can be great for your firm so long as the reviews are positive,… Read More »

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The LinkedIn Company Page for Law Firms – Why and How?

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Have you ever tried doing a search for your law firm on Google? You might be surprised to find a LinkedIn company page of your firm on the first page of Google. This is important when bringing awareness to your law firm or brand. However, you might find that you don’t have a LinkedIn… Read More »

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Google’s PageSpeed Insight Update and how it Affects Your Law Firm Website Visibility

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Google recently announced that it has integrated Lighthouse metrics to its PageSpeed Insights – one of the analytics tools Google uses to measure a website’s load time. Lighthouse metrics is a useful tool because it incorporates information from the Chrome internet browser user report – in other words, real-world user data – as well… Read More »

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Google Plus impacts SEO

Google Plus Shutdown – How it Impacts SEO for your Law Firm

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Many of you may not have used or thought of Google Plus in a while, but it has had a past history of significantly influencing local SEO and search engine results. Hence, it might be a concern to you that Google+ is shutting down in April 2019, after almost 8 long years of running…. Read More »

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International Clients? Are They (and You) Prepared for GDPR?

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

As of May 25th, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in effect. What does GDPR do, and what does it mean for companies which collect customer data? One thing it means is millions of dollars in fines for noncompliance. The time is now for corporate officers and corporate counsel… Read More »

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Whether you can code your own website or can’t spell SEO, we are happy to take the time to answer your questions and share our expertise on creating and maintaining a web presence that maximizes your exposure to and engagement with your potential clients.

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