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Law Firm Marketing Blog

Category Archives: General

SSL Website Security

Save Your Website from Being Labeled “Not Secure” by Google!

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Google Chrome marks its ten-year anniversary later this year, and in that time it has become the most-used web browser in the world. Over 60% of the world’s computers connect to the Internet through Chrome, so regardless of what web browser you personally use, it is important to be aware of Chrome and how… Read More »

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Lawyer Blogs

Remember to Respect Client Confidentiality when Blogging about Your Latest Court Victory

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

On March 6, 2018, the American Bar Association (ABA) issued Formal Opinion 480 on Confidentiality Obligations for Lawyer Blogging and Other Public Commentary. As an attorney, you are probably steeped in your state’s rules of client confidentiality and know better than to reveal client confidences on the golf course or at a dinner party,… Read More »

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Law Firm Websites and Americans with Disability Act

Is Your Law Firm Website Accessible to Persons with Disabilities?

By NextClient.com, Inc. |

Law Firm Website and Americans with Disabilities Act The landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does many things. Title I prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of disability and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. Title II requires governmental agencies to make sure their services are accessible to persons… Read More »

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